After nearly 44 years of relentless dedication to running, a Tucson man is on the brink of achieving a remarkable milestone.

Neil Rosen has meticulously logged every mile hes covered since he embarked on his running journey. Now, at 71 years old, he is about to hit 110,000 miles.

I started for fitness, and then I got into the competition, and I really enjoyed it. When I first started out, I was improving very quickly, and I was tracking my performance, and Ive never stopped, so it was a byproduct of the racing, and I have run probably 700 races in the past, said Rosen.

Even now Rosen maintains a steady routine, going on a four mile run six days a week in his neighborhood. Even though he says he is tired, he still pushes himself to go because of the reward.

Im tired. My joints are creaky. Its a monument to just stick to this, just getting out there every day no matter how hot it is, how cold it is, or how wet it is, and sometimes I dont feel like going, but I usually just feel good afterwards; its just great; its just very therapeutic, said Rosen.

While Rosen has no plans to compete in additional races, he hopes to run another 5,000 miles in the years ahead.