The Dietz neighborhood on Tucson’s Eastside is buzzing with excitement as the Prop 411 roadway resurfacing project brings visible improvements to its streets.

Last year, Tucson voters passed Prop 411, a program aimed at fixing neighborhood streets, and Dietzeast of Kolb and between 22nd and Golf Linksis among the first to benefit in Ward 4.

Regina Romero, Mayor of Tucson, highlighted the environmentally-conscious approach of the Better Streets Program, a key component of Prop 411. The city is making use of recycled materials, including asphalt and tires, to minimize environmental impact.

“We’re using a lot of recycled products, so the asphalt we’re taking back to our Los Reales sustainability Campus, and we’re using it. We’re gonna use tires that otherwise would have gone to the landfill,” Mayor Romero explained.

The financial savings accompanying the project are substantial. Mayor Romero emphasized, “We’re saving more than $440,000 in just reusing materials that otherwise would have gone to the landfill.”

The resurfacing process, explained Sam Credio, Director of Transportation and Mobility for the City of Tucson, involves a multi-layer approach. Crushed rock and oil are laid down in layers to fill cracks, ultimately resulting in a smooth, black surface.

“This proposition represents a historic investment in our neighborhood streets that we’ve never seen before. As we are improving people’s streets and improving their lives, they’re really excited, and so overall the results are positive,” Credio said.

Residents, including Linda Howell, who has witnessed changes in the Dietz neighborhood since 1979, expressed their satisfaction with the long-awaited project.

“There are so many steps involved, and it finally is coming to fruition,” remarked Linda Howell, a resident of the Dietz Neighborhood.

The positive feedback extends beyond Dietz, as several more neighborhoods totaling nearly 37,000 square yards are set to undergo resurfacing as part of the Prop 411 initiative.

The city says it expects the work to be completed by the end of December.