A federal appeals court is tossing out Kari Lake and Mark Finchem’s lawsuit alleging voting machines violate their constitutional rights.

The judicial proceedings included Pima County Board of Supervisors:

Matt Heinz, Sharon Bronson, Steve Crhisty and Adejlita Grijalva

as defendants against the two plaintiffs.

9th Circuit Court of Appeals Judges Ronald M. Gould, Andrew D. Hurwitz and Patrick J. Bumatay decided Monday Lake and Finchem did not present enough evidence supporting their claim.

None of Plaintiffs allegations supported a plausible inference that their individual votes in future elections will be adversely affected by the use of electronic tabulation, particularly given the robust safeguards in Arizona law, the use of paper ballots, and the post-tabulation retention of those ballots. The panel concluded that speculative allegations that voting machines may be hackable were insufficient to establish an injury in fact under Article III.

Ultimately, the judges’ decision means since the election is over, Lake and Finchem’s claim is invalid because the voting machines no longer affect them as candidates.