As students herd back to the University of Arizona campus for the new academic year, nearby businesses are enjoying a surge in activity.

Woops Bakery and Swindlers in Main Gate Square report booming business, crediting their success to the returning student population.

“We love the community here in Tucson, but the students are, like, what we rely on,” UArizona junior, Annabel Hoake said.

Swindlers, known for its unique merchandise, highlights the collaborative effort with local vendors that have transformed University Boulevard into a vibrant shopping destination.

“All of the students are moving in right now, so usually our busiest weekend is the move-in period,” store manager Emily Gerdts said. “Last year was crazy also.”

Both businesses are preparing for a busy year ahead and are actively hiring to accommodate the increase of customers.

As the campus comes alive with the return of students, the local business scene is thriving.