A student-run initiative by ASUA at the University of Arizona is addressing the common challenge faced by college students: the lack of appropriate professional attire for interviews and important events.

“Were all students,” said Rebecca Murillo, a graduate student at the University of Arizona. “We know how it feels to be like I dont have the required outfit that I need.”

Named the “Campus Closet,” this service operates each semester on Tuesdays and Fridays, providing a solution for students dealing with clothing insecurities by offering them suitable outfits for significant interviews.

“The purpose [is] helping our students, faculty and staff,” stated Murillo, who also serves as a graduate assistant for Campus Closet.

Like many other students, Murillo understands the challenge of needing to present oneself professionally without always having the means to buy new clothing.

“Were able to provide these clothing items for users who have a presentation coming up or a career fair or just want to look more professional in the work field,” she explained.

Students seeking to elevate their professional appearance can access the Campus Closet once a week, with the allowance of up to four points for clothing selections.

“The following week, once you come back and swipe your cat card again, you get those 4 points again,” Murillo clarified when describing the system.

The process is straightforward: you enter, scan your student ID and begin selecting items.

A new blazer or dress costs two points, while shirts, pants, and shoes are priced at a point each. Accessories like ties or socks can be obtained for as little as half-a-point.

“Were able to help them, like youre saying, put together a whole outfit,” Murillo added. “It already helps reduce that stigma of youre coming here because you need it. Its more Im coming here because its here for me, its on my campus, Im part of this community and Im going to use this service to help me out.”

For those interested in donating clothing, contributions are accepted during Campus Closet’s operational hours on Tuesday from 2-6 p.m. and Friday from 11 a.m-2 p.m. Donations can also be dropped off at the Info Desk in the Student Union Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Murillo says any and all donation are accepted, including casual clothes. Items they are looking for include dresses, pants, shoes, skirts, shirts and men’s blazers.