As the holiday travel rush kicks into high gear, United Airlines flight attendants represented by the Association of Flight Attendants – CWA (AFA) will hold an informational picket outside Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport on Thursday.

The demonstration is part of a national day of action to demand management with the airline negotiate what the flight attendants consider to be a fair contract.

The union said they’ve been negotiating a new contract with United for more than two years now.

Last week, AFA filed for federal mediation under the jurisdiction of the National Mediation Board in order to expedite negotiations.

If that next step in the negotiating process is unsuccessful, AFA said the following step would be a strike vote, which union leaders told ABC15 likely wouldn’t happen until early next year at the earliest.

AFA members said the purpose of the informational picket today is to bring awareness to what they’re asking for and also to get the attention of airline executives.

“The company is raking in billions [of dollars]. Flight attendants are struggling to pay the bills. We’re simply trying to reach out to United management that we are ready for a contract,” said United AFA Council 9 Representative and United flight attendant Peter Coenen. “We are facing long duty days, sometimes up to 15 hours or longer where even, you know, management is violating our current contract, you know, just pushing the limits.”

A United Airlines media relations representative told ABC15 in an emailed statement about the situation:

“We continue to make progress with the AFA. We look forward to scheduling additional negotiations with the AFA and the federal mediator to reach an industry-leading agreement for our flight attendants.”

United recently negotiated a new contract with its pilots in September.

AFA flight attendants told ABC15 they’re hoping for the same outcome as quickly as possible.