The Veteran Affairs (VA) Medical Center received 75 additional housing vouchers to service homeless veterans in Tucson.

The vouchers are part of the HUD VASH program, which allows homeless veterans to live in any Section 8 eligible housing in the city.

Monthly payments are capped at $1,119 per month, including utilities, and applicants must be within the income limit. As of now, that limit is 80% of median income, which is about $45,000 for a single person per year.

Applicants must also have a disabling condition that affects their ability to obtain or maintain housing. Prospective housing must also pass an inspection to ensure that veterans are not placed in substandard housing.

One new change to the program is that veterans do not need to be eligible for VA healthcare. However, they cannot receive vouchers if they have received a dishonorable discharge.

According to the VA, there are 232 homeless veterans in Tucson, down from 304 in September. This comes after a year where VA housed 119 more people than normal. Angie Hamilton, Acting Homeless Program Manager at the VA, says that eradicating veteran homelessness is within reach.

We have housing available in the community, Hamilton says. Were able to help any homeless veteran get housed that wants to get housed.

To receive a voucher, veterans must be currently homeless or facing homelessness within two weeks. However, Hamilton advises veterans to reach out as soon as they fear eviction to ensure that theyre ready and matched with the appropriate resources in time.

In addition to linking veterans with the housing vouchers, the VA is also seeking out landlords willing to work with homeless vets. Hamilton points out that theres an advantage for landlords to participate in the program, as the VA helps veterans maintain housing.

Along with housing, the VA program provides case management for each veteran. This allows them to meet each veteran where they are at and help navigate the unique obstacles in their lives.

Hamilton says that even if veterans dont qualify for the program, there are other options available.

HUD VASH is not the only housing program that we have, so of those 232 veterans, we dont need 232 vouchers, she says. We have other housing programs that we can get people connected to.

To apply for housing vouchers, visit the Tucson VA Medical Centers Homeless Clinic at the, located in building 90, which is open 8am-3pm, Monday through Friday. Ask to see a social worker and be assessed for eligibility.

Those in need can also call the VA Homeless Clinic at 520-792-1450 – Extension 11839. Landlords interested in participating can also call the same number.