Vail School District is finding new ways to make food more accessible for students.

At three of their high schools, the recently unveiled new electric food carts that make food more accessible across campus.

A lot of students will skip lunch and a lot of times they just don’t want to deal with going inside, Nemer Hassey, principal at Mica Mountain.

The trucks carry school made lunches for students to purchase across campus.

I think it’s really good that it’s so accessible to people. And that they can easily grab and go whatever they need to do. And not only that, but like it looks so cool,” said Marie Perez, a student at Mica Mountain.

Students use their lunch plans to purchase food just as they would in a cafeteria.

And Principal Hassey says, this will be a good way to get lines in the cafeteria down.

Having this extra point of sale.. I think it’s going to help it’s gonna make it real convenient for them, said Hassey