Volunteers like Andy Winter are often the first faces migrants see after they’ve crossed the border near Sasabe, Arizona.

After two families from Mexico arrive at a camp along the border wall, he begins to make them a warm meal.

If it was me in their situation, I would hope someone would show up and make me soup,” Winter said.

After the migrants cross the border, they wait at the camp which has been put together over the months by volunteers and humanitarian groups.

Benedid Lopez Canto traveled to the U.S. from Guerrero, Mexico with her husband and two daughters. They are 11 and 4 years old.

I left out of fear, I dont want to return. Im afraid for my daughters,” Canto said. My hopes are that now my children can go to school and I wont fear that they wont return.

Winter says he gets emotional helping the migrants. He and his wife are originally from the Northeast, but are spending time in Southern Arizona to help migrants.

I hope I never have to flee for my life, and if I do, I hope there is someone to greet me wherever I go,” Winter said. “All of that is in these simple little cups of soup.

The Tucson Sector currently leads all nine southern border sectors in total apprehensions with over 300,000.