An unprecedented election on Tuesday resulted in all five school bonds and overrides passing. That’s including the Sunnyside Unified School District on Tucson’s Southside.

The district had two measures for voters to decide, both passing with a margin of 60% or more voting yes. School leaders are now looking forward to seeing the impacts of Propositions 498 and 499 after the voters approved.

Propositions 498 and 499 are budget overrides. It was 16 years ago since the last override passed.

Proposition 498 is a Maintenance and Budget Override. This will generate $8 million per year for five fiscal years starting in 2024-2025, $5 million in 2029-2030 and $2.6 million in 2030-2031.

Proposition 499 is a District Additional Assistance Override, which should bring in around $7 million per year for seven fiscal years starting in 2024-2025.

While its still too soon to talk about where exactly this money is going, the district was able to speak to some of the priorities.

Superintendent Jose Gastelum says safety is at the top of the list.

You know, technology moves quickly, and we want to make sure we have the best of the best, he shared.

He adds the safety infrastructure for most schools is solid, with controlled entrances and exits, but its time for an upgrade.

This includes:

Security fencing Buses Modernizing buildings

We modernize our buildings so that our students and our employees and our teachers come to modern classrooms, modern schools, updated equipment, explained Gastelum. Because thats what they deserve.

Gastelum said the average age of the 21 schools in the district is about 35 years old.

Teachers are looking forward to those upgrades, especially at Sunnyside High School, going on 68 years in the community.

You go to these newer schools and they have these new technologies and they have these wonderful classrooms and think of the pride that those students have, and bringing that pride to sunnyside is really important and wonderful, said Melany Coates, a teacher at the high school.

The district is thankful the community is giving the schools this opportunity for investment.

We are so grateful that our voters responded the way they did. They understand that in order to have great communities, youve got to invest in schools, right? And invest in students, because thats our future, said Gastelum.

The money for the override is coming from property tax levies. People living in the Sunnyside District with an average home value of @100,210 may expect to pay around $21 total a month.