Jennifer Schulze, her fiance and teen daughter moved into a room at Wildcat Inn homeless shelter back in October after they lost the jobs and apartment.

They’re one of many families staying in the former hotel complex.

Oh man, if they werent here, wed still be on the streets freezing because all of our stuff got stolen. We had no clothes, nothing, Schulze said

Over the last two years, the city of Tucson has been purchasing properties to temporarily house people experiencing homelessness prioritizing families and the elderly.

Wildcat along with its sister shelter, Amazon Motel less than two miles away, are asking for donations to help better serve their tenants.

Between the two, they host almost 200 people nearly 80 of them are children.

“There are a lot of kids here who need stuff. Some of us adults needs stuff too, Schulze added. “Anything that people can help with, we can use anything.”

Hygiene products, children’s clothes and undergarments are just a few examples of everyday items that are always in need.

But during the holidays, the shelters are requesting slippers, stocking stuffers and seasonal decor to make the community feel more like home.

Wildcat services manager Allison Chappell knows the importance of feeling comfortable even if it is in a temporary environment.

She lived in a women’s and children’s home when she was five, and it left a lasting impression that would lead her to this field of work.

Its hard to think of anybody sleeping in a tent or living outdoors, but especially a child,” Chappell said. “A little child who needs to be going to school and getting to bed on time and all of those things.

Chappell said their program is designed to lead tenants across the stepping stones to permanent housing, so they are asking for items that people can bring with them after they leave the shelters.

These include things like dishware, small appliances, linens.

Anything that we have that helps make our house a home we like to be able to give these folks as they move into their apartment, Chappell said.

And when Schulze gets on her feet again, she she wants to give back to the shelter that did so much for her.

I want to help people,” she expressed. “I was always raised treat others the way you want to be treated. And thats how I live my life.