We Care Tucsonthis month’s Giving Project non-profitis helping to narrow the digital divide in our community, one program at a time.

This week, We Care Tucson is holding its first Youth Tech Camp for middle schoolers. As I found out today, the students are learning everything from repairing computers to cybersecurity.

Kai Kosanke is one of a dozen middle school kids taking part in a week-long Youth Tech Camp.

“I just like computers and I just wanted to learn to build one on my own,” Kosanke says.

The soon-to-be 8th grader is learning about desktops and laptops thanks to We Care Tucson.

The non-profit gives affordable access to technology in our community. This youth camp is one example of how they’re doing just that.

“Kids that come to a camp like this are more likely to continue in STEM and graduate from high school and go into STEM careers,” says MeMe Aguila, We Care Tucson’s executive director.

We Care Tucson offers this youth camp at no charge.

They’ve partnered with a statewide organization called AZ StRUTfor Arizona Students Recycling Used Technologyto help these young people learn about computer repair.

The campers also take field trips, including one earlier this week to Pima College’s Arizona Cyber Warfare Range.

Kai: “They showed us like there’s hacking and getting into like certain things. Yeah, it was pretty cool.” Pat: “And how to maybe stop that. Is that an area you might think about going into?” Kai: “Yeah, possibly.”

At the end of this week-long camp, they’ll all be able to take home a laptop.

They’ll be armed with the knowledge of how to repair itand how to get connected to the internet if their home doesn’t have Wi-Fi.

“So it’s also an opportunity to provide them with that information for that broadband initiatives that are now going on,” Aguila tells me.

We invite you to make a donation to We Care Tucson by using our new texting featuremaking it even easier to donate. 100% of the proceeds will go toward the organization.

Simply text givingproject to 50155 to donate. You can also donate directly through our website using the form below.

Our partners in the Giving Project, the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona, will again match the first $500 in donations.