The plans to widen Colossal Cave Road have been a hot topic for officials this weekfirst, at Tuesday’s Board of Supervisor’s meeting and then again at Thursday’s RTA Next meeting.

At Tuesday’s meeting, Pima County District 2 Supervisor Dr. Matt Heinz brought a motion that would have had the board ‘recommend’ the Colossal Cave Road expansion be removed from the plan to divert the funds elsewhere.

The motion was voted down 4-1 but several local groups spoke up during and after the meeting.

The Vail Unified School District’s superintendent John Carruth sent a letter to the Pima County Board of Supervisors saying in part, “We urge the board to consider the far-reaching benefits of the proposed Colossal Cave Road improvements, not only for the current residents but also for the future development of our community.”


Meanwhile the CEO of the Vail Preservation Society, J.J. Lamb, spoke in opposition to the current plan, saying in a statement to KGUN 9, “The proposed road would severely impact, and probably demolish, Vails two sole remaining historic buildings, the 1935 Shrine of Santa Rita in the Desert and 1908 Old Vail Post Office….Good transportation planning does not need to erase the history of Vail.

Lamb also sent a letter to the Board of Supervisors:

At Thursday’s RTA next meeting Vail’s president of the Chamber of Commerce Brad Anderson says, “A surge in residents has inevitably led to increased traffic congestion. Putting a strain on existing roadways like Colossal Cave Road. This road being a key artery in the areas now facing congestion issues, and safety and demand immediate attention.”

The current goal of the RTA Next board is to have the plan ready for public vote in 2025. This would succeed the original RTA plan passed by voters in 2006.

The new plan would last 20 years and in its current iteration would renew the $00.50 sales tax established back in 2006.