As new structures are being built in Tucson, wildlife will need to navigate around or through these developments. The Arizona Game and Fish Department is working to address this challenge by working with those putting up these new structures.
Tucson has numerous wildlife corridors, such as washes, that allow animals to travel through our neighborhoods.
Wildlife need a lot of room to roam because they need food, water and shelter. The more country they have to work with, the more access they have to those resources, said Mark Hart, Public Information Officer for the Arizona Game and Fish Department.
Recently, the commission passed a resolution to protect these corridors, aiming to reduce risks to both wildlife and public safety.
The commission was simply saying at every opportunity, we want to ensure that whatever developments occur include a mechanism for connecting wildlife corridors and habitats, Hart said.
Access to these corridors is crucial for wildlife to thrive.
Impediments to their movement, such as a border wall, a barbed wire fence, or a busy highway, make conditions less than ideal for wildlife, Hart said.
Although tracking all the corridors is challenging, their existence benefits both animals and people.
It makes everybody safer, not just the wildlife, but the motorists on the highway, Hart said.
To help wildlife stay safe, residents should be mindful of what they keep outside of their home. For example, taking out trash on the same day can prevent javelinas from getting into the garbage. Hart mentioned we want wildlife to be able to pass through our neighborhoods and to not let them get comfortable staying.